"Passion, Power & Love - NewYear Workshop with Jan and team" - 28th December 2024 to 2nd January 2025 EarthSpirit Centre, Somerset - Led by Jan Day & Frieder Fischer

Couples Workshop: "The Mirror of the Heart"

This is a challenging time for everyone no matter whether they are single or in a couple. For couples the challenges shine a spotlight on issues that may have been able to be overlooked for many years.

For couples
Couples Workshop: "The Mirror of the Heart"

Upcoming dates

3rd-6th of April with Jan Day, Frieder Fischer at EarthSpirit Centre (Somerset). View details

Feedback from couples about the "Mirror of the Heart" workshop

"My favourite workshop yet. Structured ideas which really gave my partner and me concrete things to get hold of, issues that keep turning up in daily life. Loads to take forward, feels substantial and impactful." (anonymous)"

I can heartily recommend the Mirror of the Heart workshop for couples. The hosts, Jan and Frieder held the space and facilitated the exercises in a grounded and sensitive manner that helped the attendees work together to help with their relationship goals. I found the practice of working with other couples very beneficial as they always gave a supportive perspective and it was also beneficial to bear witness to other couples as, inevitably, there were insights into one's own issues. The location was excellent. The rooms were of high quality and the vegetarian food was very enjoyable. I look forward to further workshops with this team." (Dan & partner)

The Mirror of the Heart weekend was invaluable for us - time and space to give attention to our relationship and our relating, with all the usual day-to-day taken care of (no washing up to do!).   In particular it was very helpful to share with others; to witness that other couples have similar struggles and joys - it really helped decrease the shame and feelings of failure I can have when things are challenging - it's a normal part of being in intimate relationship and it was so great to be reminded of that.  An unexpected bonus was spending time with couples who have different setups, agreements, living situations etc and who've been together for widely varying periods of time - there's something very heartening about having that context for where we are in our journey of relationship, and spending time with a group of people all doing their best in this beautiful, difficult, varied experiment of "being together".    A & B

Structure and content of the "Mirror of the Heart" couple workshops

In all our Mirror of the Heart workshops we are working with what we want to create as a couple together in different areas of everyday life, how that plays out in reality, and what gets in the way. We’ll be adapting the workshop content to suit the couples who are there and it will include teaching and discussion in the circle, discussion within the couple and in small groups of couples and touch exercises that will be done in the privacy of your own room.  Guidance around creating healthy, nourishing sexuality can be given privately to couples on request.

So I think there is a lot for us to work with over this weekend.

A workshop for couples to reawaken intimacy, connection and authentic communication. There is a profound intimacy in revealing ourselves and our innermost dreams, desires and needs within the safe space of an ongoing committed relationship. Although it may be uncomfortable, embarrassing or challenging, the gifts that come with this courage to tread the path of truth bring back, finally, the deep intimate connection that is the heartfelt longing of every person. Most of us have grown up in this culture to find parts of our inner lives, dreams and desires to be unacceptable. As we grow up and come into relationship we learn to limit and hide parts of ourselves. What we show to our beloved is often only that which we believe is acceptable. When we step beyond this conditioning, we can give ourselves the freedom to want what we want. Wherever our wanting starts, it will lead us to what is truly right for us, to our heart's desire and our soul's longing. It can ignite the passion that brings aliveness and fulfilment so that you can live within a long-term relationship that is satisfying, sexually rich and allows each of you the space to grow.

"the way you make love is the way God will be with you" Rumi

Anything that we are not prepared to feel, experience and share becomes a block to our intimacy.

Over time and with familiarity, we can settle into habits and patterns of relating with each other in which our passion and intimacy stagnate. The safe and habitual has not led to satisfaction. Our willingness to dare to show up and BE who we really are is the only way we can truly meet our partner. To step beyond safe territory and enter the unknown, is a powerful step towards deeply fulfilling intimacy. In this process we naturally find a deeper acceptance and intimacy with ourselves and learn that we don't depend on external circumstances for our own happiness.

To be truly with another we must first come home to ourselves.

Within a relationship we have to do this again and again and again even when we are afraid to rock the boat. As we reveal ourselves we naturally connect with our dreams and begin to feel again the vividness of our own aliveness.

In this process of stepping together into the unknown, we can learn to live both true to ourselves and to look after our relationship. Healing happens because we rise above our fear of failing, our fear of abandonment, piece by piece we let go of our suffering and recognize that only our fear creates distance and heaviness around our heart.

The workshop invites and entices you to let yourself be human, fallible, passionate and vulnerable so that loving relationship is possible. You can learn how to grow playfully out of whatever fears, guilt, shame and restrictive beliefs spoil the pleasures of sexual loving for you.

Throughout the weekend we will focus on :

  1. sharing our feelings simply and honestly
  2. listening and being present with an open heart
  3. becoming aware of the ways we shut down
  4. sharing our needs, wants and desires

This workshop includes touch, guided processes and ritual, meditation, dance and open sharing circles. It will provide a safe and yet powerful environment in which you can learn to trust your own natural energies and find a freedom and passion to take back into your daily life.
The workshop is for couples who want a passionate and honest relationship, whether they have been together for decades or have just started their journey together.

It’s also a time when we need to support ourselves and each other more, and consciously choose to create times of play and nourishment as well as dealing with the issues that inevitably arise.