"Passion, Power & Love - NewYear Workshop with Jan and team" - 28th December 2024 to 2nd January 2025 EarthSpirit Centre, Somerset - Led by Jan Day & Frieder Fischer

In the Press

Five ways to please a man in bed - Saga

Saga, June 2024

Jan gives some great tips on how to please your older man.

"Every man is different, so you have to tune in, ask, observe and experiment..." read more

Jan Day featured in Saga, June 2024

I am a 45-year-old virgin, should I tell my next partner? - INews

INews, January 2024

Jan advises a 45 year old virgin to go slow.

"I am embarrassed about what might happen if I meet someone and then have to tell them that I have no experience at all..." read more

Jan Day featured in INews, January 2024

8 ways to avoid relationship problems this Christmas - Saga Exceptional

Saga Exceptional, December 2023

Jan gives tips on how to stay connected this Xmas.

"If you’re hurting, ask for a hug rather than launch into what’s wrong. Prioritise connection over anything else..." read more

Jan Day featured in Saga Exceptional, December 2023

The Secret to Staying Married - Kindred Spirit

Kindred Spirit, November 2023

Jan lets us know how to create a lasting relationship.

"The key to an ongoing relationship is jointly agreeing to what kind of relationship we want to create together..." read more

Jan Day featured in Kindred Spirit, November 2023

Sexual Wellness - Condenast Traveller

Condenast Traveller, October 2023

Living Tantra was chosen by Condenast Traveller as the Best Sexual Wellness Retreat for Pleasure and Connection.

"Feeling comfortable and at ease with our natural sexuality supports us to live our fullest life..." read more

Jan Day featured in Condenast Traveller, October 2023

Sex Life - The Guardian

The Guardian, May 2023

Jan writes about re-learning how to feel pleasure.

"Learn to enjoy your body, and then tell your partner what you like..." read more

Jan Day featured in The Guardian, May 2023

Couples therapy - INews

INews, May 2023

Jan advises on what to do if your partner hates their job.

"I hear your unhappiness and your sense of disconnection in the relationship..." read more

Jan Day featured in INews, May 2023

Couples therapy - INews

INews, May 2023

Jan advises on coercive relationships and what communication is needed.

"He doesn’t like most of my friends, which makes it tense when they come to the flat..." read more

Jan Day featured in INews, May 2023

Sex for the Over 60s

Welldoing.org, March 2023

Jan writes about rediscovering sexuality at Over 60.

"By the end of the workshop, her face had changed and she looked years younger, beaming with self-confidence..." read more

Jan Day featured in Welldoing.org, March 2023

How to Make Your Lovemaking More Connected

The Meaningful Life, March 2023

Inspiring podcast where psychotherapist Andrew G Marshall interviews Jan about Living Tantra.

"The unwinding of that, is about having a safe enough place that people can almost start again..." read more

Jan Day featured in The Meaningful Life, March 2023

My partner is great but wants all of my time

I-News, March 2023

Jan advises on this new Couples Therapy column in i-news.

"You would need to start by giving him the reassurance he needs before asking for what you need..." read more

Jan Day featured in I-News, March 2023

Living Tantra

Watkins Magazine, September 2022

Jan describes her Living Tantra work.

"We start by making connection with the body centre because it is the centre that holds all the most powerful energies..." read more

Jan Day featured in Watkins Magazine, September 2022

Check your connection

Psychologies, February 2022

Jan writes a piece for Psychologies about getting connected physically, emotionally and spiritually.

"Spend time with the physical world and get back in touch..." read more

Jan Day featured in Psychologies, February 2022

Gemma Collins' rekindled romance

Ok Magazine Website, January 2022

Jan once again appears at OK's relationship expert, this time explaining why Gemma Collins might have gone back to her ex.

"A new phase of nurturing love and depth of connection, including seeing each others’ darker sides takes over..." read more

Jan Day featured in Ok Magazine Website, January 2022

Tantric Energies and Compassionate Authenticity

Kindred Spirit, December 2021

Jan has written a piece for Kindred Spirit on the ways we can express our sensuality and sexuality to launch her book, Living Tantra.

"Tantra includes everything - the dark and the light, the body, feeling, heart and soul..." read more

Jan Day featured in Kindred Spirit, December 2021

Will Smith's Tantric Sex

Ok Magazine, November 2021

OK consult with Jan about Will Smith's tantric explorations.

"It's about embracing sensations, energies, feelings, and the erotic thoughts in minds..." read more

Jan Day featured in Ok Magazine, November 2021

7 tantric sex tips to improve your love life

Healthista, September 2019

Jan Day writes about Tantric Sex for Healthista magazine.

"Tantric sex is often shrouded in mystery but it’s a great way of connecting with your partner..." read more

Jan Day featured in Healthista, September 2019

The new tantra

The Independent, June 2019

Oliver Bennett attends LT1 for the Independent.

"So we need to push the boundaries to learn. That’s why we're here – we need to dance on the edge..." read more

Jan Day featured in The Independent, June 2019

Learn to say ‘no’ and ‘yes’ for better sex

The Guardian, May 2019

Observer journalist, Joanna Moorhead goes for and gets this boundary work on saying a clear No as well as Yes.

"Three people – complete strangers – are rubbing my back..." read more

Jan Day featured in The Guardian, May 2019

Still Looking for Love?

Daily Telegraph, April 2019

Cosmo Landesman learns to respect boundaries at Jan's day workshop for the Daily Telegraph.

"It’s very difficult to understand what women want these days. Act on impulse and you’re a creep..." read more

Jan Day featured in Daily Telegraph, April 2019

Confessions of a Tantra Virgin

Daily Mail, November 2018

Jane Alexander reveals her vulnerabilities around her body.

"Did you bring your blindfold? asked the woman, tapping a copy of the 'what to bring' list..." read more

Jan Day featured in Daily Mail, November 2018

Meetings Without Masks

Natural Health, July 2018

Natural Health columnist and author Jane Alexander tried Meetings Without Masks and left with a smile on her face.

"If you feel courageous you can also drop in a request to meet up afterwards – maybe for a coffee or to go dancing..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health, July 2018

Naked Dating

The Advantages of Age, June 2018

Neha Misra tried out a workshop for the first time at 53 and it was Meetings Without Masks.

"I was totally hooked in and wanted to know more..." read more

Jan Day featured in The Advantages of Age, June 2018

Is Lying to Your Partner Ever OK?

Natural Health, May 2018

Jan responds to the question - is lying to your partner ever right?

"Betrayal or having an affair can lead to both breakdown and revival..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health, May 2018


Natural Health, April 2018

Jan explains why boundaries are so important.

"Often we don’t even know if we want to say yes or no..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health, April 2018

Yes and No from the Heart

South East Connections, March 2018

Article on how being able to say 'yes' and 'no' from the heart supports the deepening of relationship.

"I think of work with boundaries as the key learning in the work that I offer..." read more

Jan Day featured in South East Connections, March 2018


Natural Health, March 2018

Jan explains the difference between being lonely and alone.

"Once you have some sense of connection with yourself, notice if you are looking after yourself well..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health, March 2018

Confessions of a Retreat Junkie

The Daily Mail, January 2018

LT1 was featured in the Daily Mail as one of their top retreats.

"Scary strangers turned into warm friends. Fear turned into curiosity..." read more

Jan Day featured in The Daily Mail, January 2018

Sexual Healing

Red Magazine, December 2017

Writer, Marianne Power enters LT1 with trepidation and discovers that it's all about setting boundaries for her. She writes about her experience in Red.

"As the week went on and I grew stronger in my ability to say 'no'..." read more

Jan Day featured in Red Magazine, December 2017

Embrace Your Shadow Self

Natural Health, December 2017

Jan recommends embracing your shadow self.

"When we are able to see our own shadow selves, we can accept those parts in others..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health, December 2017

The Healing Power of Being Able to Say Yes or No

Advantage of Age Magazine, December 2017

Hud Saunders goes along and tries out Jan's one day Intro to Living Tantra at Alternatives.

"I could see on my female partners’ faces how intense this was for them..." read more

Jan Day featured in Advantage of Age Magazine, December 2017

Coping with Grief

Natural Health Magazine, November 2017

Jan advises on coping with grief.

"Each person processes grief differently so be gentle with yourself and know you are finding your way..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health Magazine, November 2017

Coping With Grief

Natural Health, November 2017

Jan shares her advice on coping with grief.

"Don't feel pressurised to do anything quickly. You may want to and you don't have to..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health, November 2017

Experiencing Tantric Energy First Hand

The Good Men Project, October 2017

Jan's LT1 is the unnamed Tantra workshop in this piece by writer, Ian Marshall.

"I come to tantra from a background of Buddhist philosophy and non-dual teachings..." read more

Jan Day featured in The Good Men Project, October 2017

How to Navigate Life's Big Changes

Natural Health Magazine, October 2017

Jan advises on how to navigate life's big changes.

"Often children can bring an even greater sense of meaning to our lives than work..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health Magazine, October 2017

My Weekend Sex Retreat

The Times Magazine, September 2017

Saturday Times columnist takes a risk and does Jan's Living Tantra 1.

"One young couple crawl towards each other on all fours, panting. I reckon they are having more sex than the rest of us combined..." read more

Jan Day featured in The Times Magazine, September 2017

Moving On After Divorce

Natural Health, August 2017

Featured on the front cover of August's Natural Health magazine, Jan's piece looks at how to Move On After Divorce in a positive and authentic way.

"Looking after yourself physically is as important as looking after yourself emotionally..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health, August 2017

The Relaxation That Can Come From Conscious Touch

London and South East Connection, August 2017

Jan talks about conscious touch and how we can benefit from this kind of contact, couples as well as singles.

"Touch is still taboo in Britain, we’re not relaxed around it..." read more

Jan Day featured in London and South East Connection, August 2017

Be Brave

Natural Health, July 2017

Jane Alexander describes just how valuable it was to her learning about boundaries at LT1.

"I had worked myself up into a steam about what was going to happen. After all, this was a tantra workshop..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health, July 2017

Unmask Me

The Amorist, June 2017

Belinda Bamber from The Amorist tries out Meetings Without Masks and has fun with the men there.

"It feels good to make some sort of connection, albeit not erotic, with every man I meet..." read more

Jan Day featured in The Amorist, June 2017

How To Have A Conscious Relationship

Natural Health Magazine, June 2017

Jan explains How To Have a Conscious Relationship in a longer piece for Natural Health magazine.

"It’s a promise you make to not brush things under the carpet to make life comfortable..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health Magazine, June 2017

Men in Tantra - what they are missing out on

The Good Men Project, April 2017

He explores his own relationship with sexuality and spirituality, as well as for men in general.

"undefined..." read more

Jan Day featured in The Good Men Project, April 2017

Living Tantra Makes Men Sexier to Women

South West Connection, April 2017

This recent article in South West Connection examines the advantages to men of doing Jan's tantra workshops, in other words, they find they are more attractive to women when they understand more about intimacy.

"undefined..." read more

Jan Day featured in South West Connection, April 2017

Living Tantra 1

South West Connections, December 2016

There are opportunities to step into the unknown and the unsure around touch.

"undefined..." read more

Jan Day featured in South West Connections, December 2016

A Tantric Guide To Valentines Day

OM Yoga & Lifestyle, December 2016

Summon up your goddess or god within, imagine that you truly inhabit this heavenly place.

"undefined..." read more

Jan Day featured in OM Yoga & Lifestyle, December 2016

Fatal Distractions

The Sun, November 2016

Faking enjoyment and tolerating it is not the answer — it is best to talk about these things.

"undefined..." read more

Jan Day featured in The Sun, November 2016

Life Support

Natural Health Magazine, October 2016

Jan advises a woman who says she's bored with her partner.

"You need to take steps to reveal yourself to your partner, sharing with him what you are feeling..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health Magazine, October 2016

Life Support

Natural Health Magazine, September 2016

Jan advises a woman whose son has a problem with alcohol.

"The fact that he is defensive suggests he has quite a severe problem, but arguing with him isn’t likely to get you anywhere..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health Magazine, September 2016

Life Support

Natural Health Magazine, August 2016

Jan advises a woman whose husband has been unfaithful.

"Once you have engaged with your feelings, you will be able to move from numbness to responsiveness..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health Magazine, August 2016

Passion, Power and Love

Connections Magazine, August 2016

Jan tells us all about her New Year's workshop.

"Participants get the chance to vision for their future..." read more

Jan Day featured in Connections Magazine, August 2016

Life Support

Natural Health magazine, July 2016

Jan advises a pregnant woman how to talk to her husband. about not wanting to leave work when the baby arrives..

"The most important thing at this stage is to build the quality of support in your relationship so that you have a firm foundation."..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health magazine, July 2016

How I used my Spiritual Practice to Break Unhealthy Relationship Patterns

Elephant Journal, July 2016

Writer, Ian Marshall tries out a Conscious Relationship session with Jan and tells us what he discovered.

"undefined..." read more

Jan Day featured in Elephant Journal, July 2016

The Dating Game Unmasked

The Metro, May 2016

Jenny Stallard from Metro tells us her experiences at Meetings Without Masks.

"If you want a deep emotional connection and want to explore that, this is the workshop for you."..." read more

Jan Day featured in The Metro, May 2016

Life Support

Natural Health magazine, May 2016

Jan advises a woman who feels guilty about finding a new man after her husband died.

"Firstly, imagine that you had died and the position was reversed. See yourself looking from beyond this world at your husband."..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health magazine, May 2016

What's Your Sex IQ?

The Sun, March 2016

Jan advises Sun readers on Sexual Intelligence.

"Sexual intelligence is all about bringing your heart, sex and head together. Most people don’t do that."..." read more

Jan Day featured in The Sun, March 2016

Life Support

Natural Health magazine, March 2016

Jan advises a woman who wants a family but her partner doesn't.

"Keep drawing him out on the topic until he has nothing left to say, then take a moment to summarise and imagine how you might be feeling."..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health magazine, March 2016

Life Support

Natural Health magazine, February 2016

Jan advises a woman who isn't allowed to join in family events because her husband's 26 year old.

"You’ll need to let him know that the issue is having a negative impact on your relationship."..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health magazine, February 2016

Lifestyle | Women

The Telegraph, December 2015

Jan is quoted in this article about crying after sex and she talks about what that can actually bring to the relationship...

"Sex comes in different flavours and colours, so there are different reasons why we might feel a lot after the experience."..." read more

Jan Day featured in The Telegraph, December 2015

Life Support

Natural Health magazine, December 2015

Jan advises a mother about her daughter's fiery personality and the effects on the family..

"Be careful not to be perceived as interfering or criticising. She is clearly doing a pretty good job."..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health magazine, December 2015

Life Support

Natural Health magazine, November 2015

Jan advises a woman on her partner's gambling addiction and the family..

"Try to tell him how his gambling is affecting you, but avoid getting over-emotional..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health magazine, November 2015

Life Support

Natural Health magazine, October 2015

Jan advises on differences about an elderly mother..

"Have you discussed options with your mother and found out what she would like?"..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health magazine, October 2015

Life Support

Natural Health magazine, September 2015

Jan advises on how to deal with a 17 year old daughter who wants to go abroad with her friends..

"Of course, it may be that your suspicions are justified..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health magazine, September 2015

Life Support

Natural Health magazine, August 2015

Jan advises a woman whose partner wants his daughter to move in with them..

"You need to be actively engaged in this process so that you don’t feel disempowered or resentful later..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health magazine, August 2015

Try out Conscious Relating in the Sun

South West Connection, July 2015

Jan explains that "Conscious Relationship - Sensual Awakening" in La Gomera (Aug 29th to Sep 5th)

"It opened me up. I felt more connected not just to others but to myself..." read more

Jan Day featured in South West Connection, July 2015

Conscious Relating

Marie Claire, July 2015

In the July issue of Marie Claire, journalist Sally Brown interviews Jan about Conscious Relationships as part of an article on The New Mind Make-overs....

"I suddenly realised why I’m terminally single...." read more

Jan Day featured in Marie Claire, July 2015

Bring your sexy back

Psychologies Magazine, April 2015

Psychologies' journalist visits Jan's brilliant sex school to re-find her libido. On the way,

"Who knew the supermarket could be such fun? I found myself in the vegetable aisle, eyeing up the courgettes and laughing out loud..." read more

Jan Day featured in Psychologies Magazine, April 2015

Conscious Relating

Kindred Spirit Magazine, April 2015

Kindred Spirit writer, Wendy Erlick has a Conscious Relating skype session

"Knowing her to be on my side, I did not feel wrong or judged...." read more

Jan Day featured in Kindred Spirit Magazine, April 2015

Spiritualise your Sex Life

Soul & Spirit Magazine, February 2015

As part of Soul and Spirit's special on tantra, Jan explains how slow sex works and how keeping a sex diary can help

"This practice is about bringing consciousness and connection to all aspects of life, including sexuality..." read more

Jan Day featured in Soul & Spirit Magazine, February 2015

Love & Sex

The Times Magazine on Saturday, January 2015

Jan's Conscious Relationship workshops are mentioned in this Love and Sex special issue

"They are here because, after seven years, he wants to become more experimental in the bedroom..." read more

Jan Day featured in The Times Magazine on Saturday, January 2015

Life, Love, etc.

Natural Health magazine, January 2015

Jan advises a woman on how to take her relationship past the initial stages

"This is the doorway to a new depth of intimacy for those who are prepared to do the work...." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health magazine, January 2015

Conscious Sexuality

South West Connection, December 2014

Interview with Jan Day by Rose Rouse

"Yes, I healed my sexuality through his teachings initially, and then my capacity to have relationships..." read more

Jan Day featured in South West Connection, December 2014

Life, Love, etc.

Natural Health magazine, December 2014

Jan advises a woman on how to deal with the in-laws over Christmas

"It's important here not to accuse her. Suggest what you were feeling..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health magazine, December 2014

Sex Marathon with my Husband

The Times, November 2014

“Sex is like yoga,” she adds. “The most difficult thing is getting the mat out and standing on it...”

"undefined..." read more

Jan Day featured in The Times, November 2014

Life, Love, etc.

Natural Health magazine, November 2014

Jan advises a woman who feels she has grown apart from her partner

"A way to get yourself back into an open-hearted state is to recall times when you have been in that kind, loving place..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health magazine, November 2014

Life, Love, etc.

Natural Health magazine, October 2014

What your boyfriend is saying is "Who matters more to you, me or him?"

"undefined..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health magazine, October 2014

Life, Love, etc.

Natural Health magazine, September 2014

Jan advises a woman who feels she is too emotionally dependent in her relationship

"Try developing a meditation or journal writing practice to build a stronger sense of self..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health magazine, September 2014

Would you like to have a Conscious Relationship?

South West Connection Magazine, August 2014

Rose Rouse interviews Jan's participants after a Conscious Relationships weekend workshop

"At the end, we both committed to being open to this relationship despite our anxieties...." read more

Jan Day featured in South West Connection Magazine, August 2014

Life, Love, etc.

Natural Health magazine, August 2014

Jan advises a woman in a relationahip with a large age gap

"Relationships bring us face to face with stuff we may have been avoiding for years..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health magazine, August 2014

Life, Love, etc.

Natural Health magazine, July 2014

Jan advises a woman who hasn't told her husband that she's flirting online

"Start seeing him as if you'd never seen him before, love the tiniest details and revel in that..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health magazine, July 2014

Do you have Erotic Intelligence?

Top Sante Magazine, June 2014

Jan explains what it takes to explore Erotic Intelligence

"Think about what would scare you to share with your partner..." read more

Jan Day featured in Top Sante Magazine, June 2014

How to be a Happy Hugger

The Telegraph, June 2014

Jan helps a writer, Anna Maxted, relax into hugging her husband

"See what happens if you stay in the hug long enough to breathe into it and relax..." read more

Jan Day featured in The Telegraph, June 2014

Relight your Fire

Psychologies Magazine, June 2014

Jan explains how she works in a practical way with Erotic Intelligence

"Fear is often a millimetre away from excitement..." read more

Jan Day featured in Psychologies Magazine, June 2014

Life, Love etc.

Natural Health Magazine, June 2014

Jan's column in Natural Health Magazine where she responds to readers' issues

"The impossibility here is in trying to put both your mother and your husband first when they have different needs..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health Magazine, June 2014

Desperately seeking a sex drive

Red Magazine, May 2014

Bridget Harrison

"The ebbing away of sex is something Jan Day, a therapist who specialises in intimacy, sees all the time..." read more

Jan Day featured in Red Magazine, May 2014

Life, Love, etc.

Natural Health Magazine, May 2014

Jan's column in Natural Health Magazine where she responds to readers' issues

"The over- stimulation of porn will reduce his response to a real lover, so before he can enjoy healthy sex with you again, he’s going to have to find a way out of the porn cycle..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health Magazine, May 2014

Meetings without Masks

www.weekendnotes.co.uk, April 2014

Ian Marshall went along to a Meetings Without Masks day..

"undefined..." read more

Jan Day featured in www.weekendnotes.co.uk, April 2014

How to have a happy divorce

The Times, Weekend, March 2014

Anna Maxted

"If too much happens together too soon, it raises false hope..." read more

Jan Day featured in The Times, Weekend, March 2014

Life, Love, etc.

Natural Health Magazine, March 2014

Jan's first soul-searching column in Natural Health Magazine where she responds to readers' issues

"Sitting and talking, listening to each other without blame or defensiveness, opens the doors to intimacy..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health Magazine, March 2014

Discover you true sexual self

Sunday Times, February 2014

by Fleur Britten

"So you've been married for yonks, and the sex has become routine. It needn't feel doomed..." read more

Jan Day featured in Sunday Times, February 2014

Avoid a Relationship Meltdown

What's Happening Magazine, December 2013

by Michael Anjos

"If people are looking for excitement they're usually looking in the wrong direction...." read more

Jan Day featured in What's Happening Magazine, December 2013

Are you scared of intimacy?

London and South East Connection, December 2013

by Jan Day

"In order to confront our fear of intimacy, we need to learn to be aware of the fear...." read more

Jan Day featured in London and South East Connection, December 2013

Love is in the Air

Psychologies Magazine, November 2013

by Grace James

"You don't trust, so you're attracting untrustworthy men...." read more

Jan Day featured in Psychologies Magazine, November 2013

Pleasure Principles

Sunday Times Style Magazine, October 2013

by Clover Stroud

"It's not about chasing arousal and thrills, but showing a deep, loving kindness to one another...." read more

Jan Day featured in Sunday Times Style Magazine, October 2013

Conscious Sexuality

South West Connections, August 2013

by Rose Rouse

"It means we're committed to being honest, transparent in our comunications, and are willing to connect on all levels...." read more

Jan Day featured in South West Connections, August 2013

Spiritual Dating - Unmasked

Spirit and Destiny Magazine, June 2013

by Kate Delamere

"People who are different from what you're normally attracted to will teach you the most about relationships...." read more

Jan Day featured in Spirit and Destiny Magazine, June 2013

Conscious Sexuality

Natural Health magazine, June 2013

by Rose Rouse

"Conscious sexuality is cutting edge - it's the willingness to explore the new rather than depending on limitations or guidelines from outside authorities...." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health magazine, June 2013

Jan Day & Meetings Without Masks.

Identities Magazine, June 2013

by Rose Rouse

"Participants get to explore what they are like when they meet someone of the opposite sex....." read more

Jan Day featured in Identities Magazine, June 2013

Couples - Don't Give Up On Sexuality

Connections Magazine, June 2013

by Rose Rouse

"And did this help their sex life? 'We did have some great sex, and it came about because we opened up at an emotional and heart level'...." read more

Jan Day featured in Connections Magazine, June 2013

Invite Intimacy into your life.

Prediction Magazine, undefined 2013

by Jan Day

"Get intimate woth you. This is the first intimacy, our intimacy with ourselves. Many of us spend a lot of time avoiding this first intimacy...." read more

Jan Day featured in Prediction Magazine, undefined 2013

Why the 7 day workshop Living Tantra 1 is so significant.

London and South East Connection, December 2012

by Rose Rouse

"I'm much more confident about starting relationships again too. The course encouraged us to play and explore...." read more

Jan Day featured in London and South East Connection, December 2012

The Tantric Approach to Life

Prediction Magazine, November 2012

Jan Day talks about Tantra

"Most of us have experienced a soul connection, whether in love making or in religious rituals..." read more

Jan Day featured in Prediction Magazine, November 2012

Practical ways to bring Tantra into your life

Om Yoga Magazine, November 2012

by Jan Day

"Look through the masks your date is wearing and see the God or Goddess..." read more

Jan Day featured in Om Yoga Magazine, November 2012

What is Tantra

More to Life Magazine, November 2012

by Jan Day

"Is it all about sex? Is it about meditation? Or consciousness? Is it a way to God?...." read more

Jan Day featured in More to Life Magazine, November 2012

Tantra and Relationships

Healium Magazine, November 2012

by Jan Day

"Tantra is a spiritual path where our focus is on developing consciousness in every aspect of our being...." read more

Jan Day featured in Healium Magazine, November 2012

Inviting Intimacy

Spearhead Magazine, August 2012

Jim Ferguson goes to Jan Day's Intimacy workshop

"So here I was, facing a woman in a line, wordlessly asking to be seen for who I was..." read more

Jan Day featured in Spearhead Magazine, August 2012

Introduction to Living Tantra

South West Connection, August 2012

Rose Rouse talks about Jan Day's Living Tantra Intro

"it's almost certain that people will come across feelings around their sexuality..." read more

Jan Day featured in South West Connection, August 2012

Sexual Healing 3

High 50 Life, August 2012

Glyn Brown meets Jan Day, a relationships coach

"What they can learn, says Jan, is that they are able to say yes or no..." read more

Jan Day featured in High 50 Life, August 2012

Set for a Date

This is Kent, June 2012

Jan describes her dating event

"The workshop will encourage participants to explore what they want in a relationship..." read more

Jan Day featured in This is Kent, June 2012

Sexy and Spiritual

Om Yoga Magazine, June 2012

Rose Rouse talks Tantra

"So why do individuals decide to do a Tantra workshop? 'Often it's because they want more out of life,' says Jan Day..." read more

Jan Day featured in Om Yoga Magazine, June 2012

Love is...

Natural Health Magazine, May 2012

Shannon O'Connell calls on the experts who can help you find your soul mate

"Try shifting the focus toward what is wonderful about yourself..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health Magazine, May 2012

A Different Kind of Dating

More to Life Magazine, May 2012

Rose Rouse experiences Jan Day's dating workshop

"I am the goddess and he is the god..." read more

Jan Day featured in More to Life Magazine, May 2012

The Work of Jan Day

Mind Body Spirit Website, May 2012

Jan Day helps us to love ourselves more

"A major part of my work is encouraging people to re-connect with themselves..." read more

Jan Day featured in Mind Body Spirit Website, May 2012

A heart-to-heart chat with guru of relationships

Canterbury Times, April 2012

Lowri Stafford interviews Jan Day

"I started yoga and joined a meditation group at Oxford, which is where I was introduced to the work of the Indian mystic Osho..." read more

Jan Day featured in Canterbury Times, April 2012

Tantra and Relationships

Spearhead Magazine, March 2012

Jan Day explains how men and women are different

"She says..." read more

Jan Day featured in Spearhead Magazine, March 2012

Can You Feel it?

Natural Health Magazine, March 2012

Journalist Rose Rouse experiences Living Tantra 4

"And then finally, the heart. I am yearning for his hand to connect me to my heart and it does. It feels so steadfast when it's pulsing there..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health Magazine, March 2012

Tantra Training with Jan Day

Positive News, February 2012

Orange Prize-shorted listed novelist, Monique Roffey writes about her powerful experience on the 18 month training course

"I didn't know how to be a Lover, to myself or to anyone else..." read more

Jan Day featured in Positive News, February 2012

Living Tantra Training

Tantralink.com, December 2011


"For me, it was important to gain a deeper understanding of my own sexual energy, and how it is for me in relationship to women. It also helped me integrate sexuality into my spiritual life which is a huge relief to me..." read more

Jan Day featured in Tantralink.com, December 2011

Dare to Fall in Love with Yourself

Wellbeing Magazine, August 2011


"It gets to the nub of the matter, faster than one to one work. When it was over, I was able to talk my truth to a woman friend in a much clearer, loving way than I had managed before, which felt like a breakthrough..." read more

Jan Day featured in Wellbeing Magazine, August 2011

Spiritual Speed Dating

Om Yoga Magazine, May 2011


"At last there is a bevy of workshop facilitators and therapists, who realise that fast dating - whether it is literally speed dating or the often doomed vagaries of internet dating - is absolutely not the answer..." read more

Jan Day featured in Om Yoga Magazine, May 2011

Inviting Intimacy

London and South East Connection, April 2011

Jan Day talks about her intimacy workshop

"What does inviting intimacy mean to you? Does intimacy mean sexual contactto you?..." read more

Jan Day featured in London and South East Connection, April 2011

Living Tantra Review

The Spark Magazine, March 2011

Participant, Louise de Caux on how Living Tantra has been for her

"Jan is great as a facilitator...." read more

Jan Day featured in The Spark Magazine, March 2011

Putting the Soul into Soulmate

Kindred Spirit, March 2011

Editor, Tania Ahsan considers different ways of dating incl MWM

"...people were coming to her workshops in the hope of meeting people in a relaxed and different way..." read more

Jan Day featured in Kindred Spirit, March 2011

Bare your Soul

The Belgravia, February 2011

Editor, Kate White finds Meetings Without Masks revealing in a way she hadn't expected

"To start things off, Jan asks everyone to get into groups of two men and two women..." read more

Jan Day featured in The Belgravia, February 2011

Lower your Mask

Natural Health, January 2011

Editor of Kindred Spirit, Tania Ahsan tries out Meetings Without Masks

"We are here to learn more about ourselves and to approach dating in a more heart-centred way..." read more

Jan Day featured in Natural Health, January 2011

Meetings Without Masks

London and South East Connection, August 2010

Jan Day talks about her dating workshop for singles

"Of course, we are also eyeing one another up..." read more

Jan Day featured in London and South East Connection, August 2010

Is This Love Actually?

London Evening Standard, February 2010

Journalist Victoria Stewart tries out different sorts of dating including Meetings Without Masks or Naked Dating

"You're not expected to de-robe (thank goodness) but rather to practise being the real you..." read more

Jan Day featured in London Evening Standard, February 2010

Food for Thought

Green Events, August 2009

"The workshop will focus on the way that we love, relate and express our sexuality as a man or woman..." read more

Jan Day featured in Green Events, August 2009