"Passion, Power & Love - NewYear Workshop with Jan and team" - 28th December 2024 to 2nd January 2025 EarthSpirit Centre, Somerset - Led by Jan Day & Frieder Fischer

"Passion, Power & Love - NewYear Workshop with Jan and team"

Our annual New Year celebration workshop - Renewal, Integration, Inspiration & Celebration - a careful and heartful adventure into conscious relationships, deep intimacy and love of life.

Singles & couples
"Passion, Power & Love - NewYear Workshop with Jan and team"

Upcoming dates

28th December 2024 to 2nd January 2025 with Jan Day, Frieder Fischer at EarthSpirit Centre (Somerset). View details

We will explore the ways we can become more open to the sacred, the joyful and the sensual in our everyday lives and in our relationships. Every touch – through our feelings, bodies and words – becomes a means to awaken to our passion, our power and our presence. We discover our inner lover, and we deepen our experience of all that it means to be intimate. This frees us to be happier in ourselves, and to bring more of ourselves and our gifts into the world around us.

New Year is a very powerful window of time in the midst of winter to take stock of our life. It gives us a chance to integrate and find completion with what has gone before as well as tap into inspiration and inner purpose for the coming year. There will be opportunities for connection as well as quiet times to bask in the nourishment and encouragement that we give each other in these circles of being.

Come join us for New Year: laughing, learning, loving, sharing, creating, dancing, questing, deep in ritual, looking back, visioning forward, loving the present moment.

Included: concert with Babaji Temple singers

After a very well appreciated Kirtan at the end of PPL in 2019, we have decided to make this a regular feature of PPL. So again, the last evening of the “Passion, Power & Love” workshop will feature an exclusive Kirtan singing and concert with Babaji Temple singers. Singing our way into the last evening of PPL and the first evening of 2024 as part of the “Passion, Power & Love” workshop - what could be a better start into 2024!

Jan talking about the content of "Passion, Power & Love”

To hear about the content of this NewYear workshop, see the link below with Jan talking about "Passion, Power & Love”

Listen to an Audio: Jan Day speaking about "Passion, Power & Love"


Download the "Passion, Power & Love" workshop flyer for 2025