"Passion, Power & Love - NewYear Workshop with Jan and team" - 28th December 2024 to 2nd January 2025 EarthSpirit Centre, Somerset - Led by Jan Day & Frieder Fischer

"Living Tantra 3 - Intimacy, Authentic Relating & Love"

"Living Tantra 3" is an invitation to learn the "intimate dance of presence" and to see this dance in yourself, with your partner and in the space between you both.

For singles & couplesPrerequisite "Living Tantra 1"
"Living Tantra 3 - Intimacy, Authentic Relating & Love"

Upcoming dates

"Living Tantra 3" blows your understanding wide open and deepens your awareness of love and what it means to be in relationship with yourself and with a woman or a man.

You will be encouraged in different exercises and processes to take things slowly, experience the deliciousness of the moment and at the same time notice what you are giving your attention to.

"Living Tantra 3" is a journey into intimacy with yourself and with others. It invites you to discover what it means to be transparent and to stay in connection both emotionally and physically, within the boundaries that you set. 

We explore the dance that can happen when two people allow themselves to be fully present with each other, allowing themselves to show their vulnerability, their playfulness, their attractions and desires.  

“Living Tantra 3” offers a profound opening into deeper, more meaningful conscious relationships.